One of the Broadcasting Commission’s most important responsibilities is also one of our most challenging. With 28 radio stations, 3 free-to-air television stations and over 40 cable operators, it is indeed extremely difficult to monitor all licensees at all times. It is for this reason that we introduced our Citizen-Based Media Monitoring Programme in 2009—this and the fact that as all people access the media, all people deserve the right to play a role in its regulation.
No matter the position you hold in life—whether professional, homemaker, service club member or student—we consider all who are willing to volunteer. Prospective volunteers are invited to attend seminars where they are taught key skills in critically analyzing content broadcast on TV and the radio and are given a better understanding of the service requirements for Cable. They are made aware of the laws regulating electronic media, and are thus instructed on how to identify potential breaches. In this way, the Broadcasting Commission provides participants with irreplaceable analytical skill and the ability to contribute to the development of the nation and the industry.
Once a Media Monitor has been trained, it is his or her duty to assess and rate the content of newscasts, broadcasts of sporting events, music videos, programme trailers, advertisements, songs, talk shows and other programmes—and to do so without bias. Once the Broadcasting Commission reviews the material and determines that there has been a breach of the law, it informs the licensee of the decision, asks that remedial action be taken if necessary, and may recommend that the licence be revoked or suspended if this action is not taken within a reasonable time.
To date, we have trained over 250 monitors hailing from various parishes in Jamaica—a veritable sign of success. This year, we aim to continue recruiting and training all persons who show an interest. The expansion of this programme will certainly assist in our effort to ensure that all licensees meet the standards established by legislation, and continue to broadcast content that is appropriate for particular audiences at particular times.
The dates and times of our upcoming recruitment period and seminars will be announced soon on our website and our Facebook and Twitter pages—so stay tuned! If you need to know more about this programme, please e-mail us at info@broadcom.org. Remember also that you do not need to be a Citizen-Based Media Monitor to report a breach. If you have accessed problematic content on the airwaves, feel free to report the incident electronically here.