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Young Leaders, Future Broadcasters

The great Nelson Mandela once said, “Children are our greatest treasure” and at the Broadcasting Commission we believe that our nation’s youth are the future. In May 2014, the Commission, as part of its ongoing programme of media literacy and digital awareness, launched media clubs in four (4) schools: Balcombe Drive Primary and Junior High, […]

How can the regulator balance concerns about the use of data vs. the desire for economic progress?

  Presentation by Cordel Green Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission – Jamaica At International Regulators Forum (IRF), Vienna, October 6, 2014 (These views are not necessarily those of the Broadcasting Commission) In looking at the power to be harnessed from big data, the World Economic Forum in a 2012 paper suggested that “by analysing […]

Insights on Copyright licensing and enforcement policy for an increasingly borderless digital environment

  Presentation by Cordel Green Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission – Jamaica At International Institute of Communications (IIC) Annual Conference, Vienna, October 9, 2014 [THIS IS INTENDED AS A GUIDE TO THE PANEL AND IS NOT A COMPLETE PAPER. IT SHOULD NOT BE QUOTED WITHOUT THE AUTHOR’S PERMISSION],/ Introduction The background to this discussion […]

The Benefits of Watching TV

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There is no doubt that television is one of the most powerful communication tools in the world. Its contemporary appeal makes it difficult to ignore. In fact, recent studies suggests that people depend on TV for entertainment, news, education, culture, weather, sports, and even music. But despite the possible benefits that it presents, TV consumption […]

Re: Letter to the Editor, “Ishawna-Foota Hype bedroom drama trauma”, published September 24, 2014

  The Broadcasting Commission takes note of a letter to the Gleaner editor on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, entitled “Ishawna-Foota Hype bedroom drama trauma” in which the writer infers that the Broadcasting Commission is in collusion with CVM TV to air inappropriate content. He was referring to the programme “On Stage” which was aired in […]

Is Payola Down?

While there is no scientific data to suggest that there has been a reduction in payola in the music industry, Cordel Green, executive director of the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica (BCJ), says there is an indication that it is not as prevalent as it once was. For years, the BCJ has been on a rigorous […]

Broadcasting Commission Statement on “Suits”

While the Broadcasting Commission appreciates the concerns raised, it has no legal basis on which to intervene in legitimate commercial agreements between content owners, such as the producers of “Suits” and programme distributors, such as local television stations. Subscribers to cable television should be aware that cable operators are distributors of channels and they do […]

The Power of PROsumers

Did you know that you may have the power to influence the success OR failure of a brand or company? Well, if you are an avid user of social media tools such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook and the many other social networks that exist, then you most certainly do have a lot of power. With […]

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