Home Blog Re: Letter to the Editor, “Ishawna-Foota Hype bedroom drama trauma”, published September 24, 2014
Re: Letter to the Editor, “Ishawna-Foota Hype bedroom drama trauma”, published September 24, 2014

Re: Letter to the Editor, “Ishawna-Foota Hype bedroom drama trauma”, published September 24, 2014



The Broadcasting Commission takes note of a letter to the Gleaner editor on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, entitled “Ishawna-Foota Hype bedroom drama trauma” in which the writer infers that the Broadcasting Commission is in collusion with CVM TV to air inappropriate content. He was referring to the programme “On Stage” which was aired in the evening of Monday September 22, 2014.

I wish to assure the writer and other concerned persons that the Broadcasting Commission was in correspondence with CVM TV immediately after the original broadcast of “Onstage” on Saturday September 20. However, unlike the writer who can take to the media and state how he feels about a broadcast, the Broadcasting Commission is a quasi-judicial body and must follow proper investigative and adjudicative procedures. In that regard, the Commission will be deliberating on the matter at its next meeting scheduled for September 29.

The writer also claims, obviously from an uninformed position, that the Broadcasting Commission is falling short in monitoring and enforcing broadcasting rules. The public is assured that no complaint to the Broadcasting Commission or matter which comes to our attention goes unattended. Reports on content standards and other investigations and findings are published periodically on our website, including those pertaining to CVM TV.

This is not to say we disagree with the general sentiment of the writer that content must always be carefully scheduled, especially prior to the 9pm watershed. We also want stronger enforcement powers. Hence, our recommendation to the government that financial sanctions of up to $250,000 be imposed for breach of content standards.

Cordel Green
Executive Director


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